
Selected Hajj Supplications

Hajj Supplications in English

Hajj is one of the main acts of worship in the Divine religion of Islam, while supplication is considered to be the heart of worship as well. Therefore, supplication owns a unique status and manifestation in Hajj rituals. In this book, a number of Hajj-related supplications mentioned in Islamic narrative sources have been compiled with the goal of introducing different aspects of Islamic supplication as well as to be recited by the pilgrims. The practical "Selected Hajj Supplications" book has been published in PDF for free to be available for every Muslim who visits Mecca and performs Hajj pilgrimage.

Especial Features of the book in this PDF format:

1. Free to download.
2. PDF format apt for Smart Phones.
3. Click-based Table of Contents to easily and quickly reach to the Content.
4. Supplications for all Hajj and related rituals.
5. Bilingual, Arabic/English.

Sharing our website address and the PDF file with other Muslim brothers and sisters would be highly appreciated.  

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