Prophetic Supplications: Facilitation of Affairs

Facilitation of Affairs

Abu Huraira said: Her Holiness Fatimah (peace be upon her) came to her father the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) and requested him to provide her with a house-maid. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) said: What you are asking for is not with me. Her Holiness Fatimah (peace be upon her) returned back home. After some time, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) came to Her Holiness Fatimah (peace be upon her) and asked: Which do you prefer; that which you had asked for or something else that has good in it and is better than what you asked for? Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said to Her Holiness Fatimah (peace be upon her) to ask for that which has good in it and is better than what she asked for. Her Holiness Fatimah (peace be upon her) said the same. The Holy Prophet then taught her this supplication:

اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ السَّبْعِ وَرَبَّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ رَبَّنَا وَرَبَّ كُلِّ شَيْ‏ءٍ مُنْزِلَ التَّوْرَاةِ وَالْإِنْجِيلِ وَالْقُرْآنِ الْعَظِيمِ أَنْتَ الْأَوَّلُ فَلَيْسَ قَبْلَكَ شَيْ‏ءٌ وَأَنْتَ الْآخِرُ فَلَيْسَ بَعْدَكَ شَيْ‏ءٌ وَأَنْتَ الظَّاهِرُ فَلَيْسَ فَوْقَكَ شَيْ‏ءٌ وَأَنْتَ الْبَاطِنُ فَلَيْسَ دُونَكَ شَيْ‏ءٌ اقْضِ عَنَّا الدَّيْنَ وَأَغْنِنَا مِنْ الْفَقْرِ. 

O Allah, Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the great Throne, our Lord and the Lord of everything, Revealer of the Torah, the Gospel, and the Great Quran. You are the First, so there is nothing before You, and You are the Last, so there is nothing after You. You are the Manifest, so there is nothing above You, and You are the Hidden, so there is nothing beyond You. Settle our debts and free us (enrich us) from poverty.

Sunan Ibn Majah: narration 3821
